Wednesday, August 1, 2012

A Summer Kitchen

As I look out my kitchen window, while washing a few dishes left over from breakfast, I reflect on what a busy place my kitchen is in the summer.  I look out over the garden and see all of the vegetables that will ripen and need to be put up for the winter.  At times it seems that it is a lot of work, but in the middle of winter when you open that jar or get something out of the freezer that taste so fresh, it is well worth it.  Even if you do not have a garden, many farmer's markets sell fresh produce and most of it is grown locally.  You do not have to buy or harvest bushels of produce to have good things to eat this winter.  Can and freeze in small batches, its much easier than doing it all at once.  Make a few jars of  jam or jelly...  you will be surprised at the sense of accomplishment that you get from just two or three jars that you made yourself.  We will go into detail in later posts on how to can and freeze produce, and make jams and jelly.  Stay tuned!

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