Saturday, August 4, 2012

Seasoning Wood Utensils and Cutting Boards

Wood Cutting Boards

Before you cut anything on its wood surface, you should "season" the wood. "Seasoning" your cutting board means that you'll apply a coating of oil to protect it.

The oil will help keep food particles out of the pores of the wood. It will also help the wood resist stains and odors. And, it will help prevent the wood from drying out and shrinking. Don't use a cooking oil, though, as it will turn rancid over time. Instead, you'll want to use walnut or mineral oil. Walnut oil is usually the choice pick since it's 100% natural.  However, if you or someone in your family is allergic to nuts, then you'll need to use mineral oil instead. 

Wood utensils  should be treated in the same way and NEVER put them in the dishwasher. 

It is also a good idea to treat wood rolling pins in the same manner, just wait until the oil soaks in before you use it.

Do NOT use cooking oil to treat wood it becomes rancid after a time.

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