Friday, August 10, 2012

Test Kitchen: Reusable Canning Lids

The other day I came across the Tattler Reusable canning lids and decided to give them a try.  (I do not advertise on my site and definitely do not receive money from any company that I mention here).  These appealed to me because I hate throwing the used lid away and have for years.  I have tried to find other uses but they just seem to multiply until I get rid of them.  You should NEVER use a metal canning lid more than once.  I have used them under the plastic storage lids to keep liquids from escaping, and even considered making a wind chime from them but thought it would be tacky.  So I have ordered the Tattlers and they will be here soon.  I will be testing them and will report the progress so stay tuned-Aunt Martha

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