Thursday, August 9, 2012

Larder and Pantry


A larder is a cool area for storing food prior to use. Larders were commonplace in houses before the widespread use of the refrigerator.
Essential qualities of a larder are that it should be:
  • as cool as possible
  • close to food preparation areas
  • constructed so as to exclude flies and vermin
  • easy to keep clean
  • equipped with shelves and cupboards appropriate to the food being stored.
In the northern hemisphere, most houses would arrange to have their larder and kitchen on the north or east side of the house where it received least amount of sun. In Australia and New Zealand larders were placed on the south or east sides of the house for the same reason.
Many larders have small unglazed windows with the window opening covered in fine mesh. This allows free circulation of air without allowing flies to enter. Many larders have tiled or painted walls to simplify cleaning. Older larders and especially those in larger houses have hooks in the ceiling to hang joints of meat or game. Others have insulated containers for ice, anticipating the future development of refrigerators.


A pantry is a room where food, provisions, dishes, or linens are stored and served in an ancillary capacity to the kitchen. The derivation of the word is from the same source as the Old French term paneterie; that is from pain, the French form of the Latin panis for bread.

I interchange these words in my blog...  I use them to describe where food is stored-Aunt Martha

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